“Weekend In Taipei” REVIEW

Luke Evans and Sung Kang reunite after their Fast 6 days in yet another action spinoff in Weekend in Taipei. When Evans as Agent John sparks up a fling with Kang’s “wife” (Lun-Mei Gwei) things get a little tricky. Now years later, the two reunite and discover, they still both carry a torch for the other as well as a little baggage to go with it. The only thing is how is “Joey” going to get away from her husband to be with John.

Ultimately, the film is a good twist of the Taken films with a bit of Transporter mixed in as it takes more of a romantic turn in the long run. Evan and Kang both do fine job of carrying that action suspense while ultimately we know they are at each other’s neck especially when the girl is in the picture. It’s a film that will surely have audiences on the edge of their seats wondering what will happen next.

Equally, Mei Gwei handles herself with the same action charm as her male counterparts, also giving a slight nod to the Fast franchise when she happens to jump into a red hot Ferrari and take it for a fast spin that will send audiences gripping to the edge of their seats.

Weekend in Taipei came out in theaters November 8 and is currently playing in one near you.