M. Night Shyamalan’s latest suspense thriller brings audiences to a concert, starring his own daughter Saleka as the main performer. In the suspenseful tale, a father brings his daughter to the concert of her dreams, not realizing that security is out to get him. It’s a secret that is made known to everyone except his family and will have audiences wondering just how is Cooper going to escape.

All in all, Josh Hartnett, as Cooper does an exceptional job at maintaining his composure while knowing he has a bigger secret that he is hiding. He also does a good job of capturing that father figure as he steps seamlessly into the role. His comraderie between him and his daughter is also spot on. His daughter (played by Ariel Donoghue), equally captures that of a music struck teenager at a dream concert experience.

There is also a surprise blast from the past as Hayley Mills, steps into the role of investigator trying to capture the man who is allegedly responsible for so much suffering.

All in all, Trap is like any other Shyamalan film as he likes to use subtle hints including is peculiar fascination with red as a clue to when danger is about to happen. It’s also cool to see father and daughter on screen for one of the first times ever. All of the music are original of Saleka Shyamalan and will have you wanting to sing along even before you know all the words.

Trap came out in theaters on a Thursday night preview, August 1, and is currently playing in one near you.