“The Forge” REVIEW

All it takes is to find someone to believe in you.

Isaiah had no real motivation to be a better man. A year after graduating college, his life consisted of playing video games and basketball. That was until his mother gave him a push that caused him to find a group of men to help him on the road to recovery and ultimately to find out he didn’t have to to life all alone.

The Kendrick’s brothers latest Christian based movie is shaking things up and getting audiences to see what is truly important in life. Starring virtually the same cast as their previous film, War Room, a new actor steps into the limelight in his first leading man role. Cloak and Dagger’s Aspen Kennedy will shock audiences with his strong emotional feel for this powerful role. He certain has a wide range of emotions which he powerful displays in this film and definitely will have audiences laughing, crying and rooting for him as a growing young man in this place called life.

War room’s Priscilla Shirer returns this time as Isaiah’s mother and as said previously she’s not alone. The fiesty, witty prayer warrior, Karen Abercrombie accompanies her as well as T.C Stallings, playing the same character as War Room, though a different actress to play his wife. Finally the cast rounds out with Cameron Arnett, who exceptionally captures that role of mentor to a man who failed to have a father figure in his life.

All in all, The Forge is a powerful testimony of the importance of discipleship and having God fearing men step up and lead the future generations to the truth. The film is currently out in limited theaters near you and even has a pay it forward campaign for those who want to make sure all see it in the biggest form possible.

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