Arnold Schwarzenegger is back in the latest installment of the Terminator Franchise, but with a different twist. The movie starts out similar to the original with Kyle going back in time to protect Sarah Conner, except something has changed. Sarah Conner is not the same Sarah Conner as she leads the charge against Skynet to protect the future and for the first time meet her adult son.
At over 2 hours, the movie does have a lot of action and comedy to hold your attention. The special effects are tight. The story on the other hand, has the audience thinking how could this be when the young Kyle and Sarah go ahead in time, thus altering the future and yet still running into adult John Conner, but how does it end? Well you’ve just got to see it to believe it.
It’s a movie that true Terminator fans should see and make the decision whether they believe or not. It came out July 4th weekend and brought in 68 million to date. See it in a theater near you.