“Woman” On Top

Gail Gadot is Diana Prince in the latest retelling of the 1975 TV series and it has already over seceded expectations after Thursday previews brought in 11 million, according to the box office.

The film follows the life of Diana as a young girl growing up on an all female island of warriors in the Amazon and goes through the legend of how they all got there.  We, as the audience, see first hand that Diana is drawn to wanting to be a warrior, but her mother, the Queen of the Amazon (played by Connie Nielson) keeps her from training until Antiope (Robin Wright) sees her potential and convinces the Queen to allow her to train.  Diana grows to be even more powerful than any other warrior, defending her people from the outside world, until an American Explorer Steve Trevor (Chris Pine) discovers the land while undercover with a group of German Soldiers set on destroying everything.

Smitten, Diana returns with Steve to discover a war beyond all wars which Diana has been training for all her life as she finally finds her ultimate destiny as God killer.

At 2 hours and 21 minutes, Wonder Woman is an inspirational film for all girls and women proving that one doesn’t have to be a man to be a hero.  The 2017 film is sure to have audiences revved up for the action adventure and love of the Marvel Comic created by DC in 1941.  It brings the pages to life for a new generation of viewers on the big screen.

Wonder Woman came out June 2, 2017 and is currently playing in a theater near you.

Books Galore at USC

This year marks the 20th year of the Los Angeles Times Festival of Books at the University of Southern California.  As previously reported, there were thousands of books ranging from children to young adult and many more in between.  There were also several celebrities that brought their own books for people to purchase as well as a cooking stage, music and much more.

Watch now to see just which books were the highlight of this year’s festival and stay tuned for a follow up with even more exclusive interviews from more of the authors at the 2015 LA Times Festival of books.