Posted on May 23, 2018Arroyo Day At the Gamble House The Gamble House, built back in 1908, to this day is in the exact same condition inside and outside from when the Mr. and Mrs Gamble originally lived there. Fans came to the museum beginning at 10 and running through 5 all to be able to tour the house for free. The line stretched down Westmoreland St from orange grove all the way to Scott Place. There were many red vests around the premise as they waited in line. As well as other shirts paying tribute to the franchise. The street lined with lanterns that were clearly used in the making of the film offered the 88 miles per hour feeling. One of the replicas of the delorean was parked outside the house for photos. And the garage, converted to a bookstore housed all kinds of memorabilia about the house as well as Back To The Future Merchandise. Of course Doc Brown made his appearance as he welcomed visitors to his home. And Marty McFly posed outside as well. A hoverboard was even seen in line waiting. There were games for the kids including horseshoes. And a bean bag toss entertained them for hours. But soon, it was Outoftime as the line moved closer to the house. Men and women alike dressed in the iconic red vest. And Doc Brown also posed on the porch of his house though it was to crowded to get pictures inside. There was also arts and crafts as kids were able to color their own delorean and gamble house. And The documentary Outatime was available for purchase. As well as autographed copies of newspapers like what were used in Back To The Future Part 2 and 3.