“Spiderman” Merges Universes

The latest Spiderman leaves nothing on the line in the latest action packed movie that sent movie goers to the theater a week before Christmas. The film stars Tom Holland as he consults with Dr. Strange (Benedict Cumberbatch) after his latest battle lead to his foe announcing his identity to the world. The thing is there are consequences in erasing the world’s memory especially when he wants certain people excluded from the request.

What ends up happening is nearly everyone who knows who Spiderman is finds their way into the present universe, even those who are meant to be dead. What’s more is Holland’s Spiderman develops a soft spot for the villains when he discovers their inevitable fate in their own world. Now he seeks to rehabilitate them in an effort of giving them all second chances.

The film also brings back both original Spiderman’s Tobey Maguire and Andrew Garfield in a clever comically twist as Holland’s best friend, Ned (Jacob Batalion) steals Dr. Strange time traveling ring and traps him in the grand canyon.

Ultimately, Spiderman: No Way Home is a fitting end to the latest Spiderman Trilogy, though one can say it definitely is not an end to Spiderman as two post credit teasers show the story continuing through Venom as well as the upcoming Dr. Strange sequel. That being said, the film is a perfect Christmas entertainment for any Marvel fan. It’s packed with action, adventure and yes even a little romance between Spiderman and M.J (Zendaya)

The film came out in theaters December 16, 2021 and is currently playing in one near you.