“Jules” REVIEW

It’s ET for seniors in Bleeker Street’s latest film, Jules.

Milton, an older man who like all seniors, just wants to make his home better, despite his over protective daughter trying to take care of him. One night, he hears a strange noise which turns into an UF) with an alien inside. Now the question is will this creature poise a threat or making him seem even more crazier than people think he is.

At just under an hour and a half runtime, Jules is a feel good movie with a heart for making people laugh. It shows intriguing character development for the main cast, which features, Ironman 3‘s Ben Kingley as Milton. Kingley does an exceptional job in character growth as he in a way uses the new found friendship wit the alien rekindle what is really important in life. He also has a couple of sidekick friends who find out about his little secret as well. That incudes, 90’s tv star Mary Albright (Jane Curtin) and Licorice Pizza‘s Harriet Sansom Harris.

Together the three of them form a unique bond that will have audiences wondering what will happen next as it is a race to help the alien repair his spaceship before the government agency finds out where he is. The thing is the alien is smarter than one thinks as he subtly leaves clues for what he needs to fix the ship.

The comedy film came out in theaters in early august and is currently playing in limited theaters. Though it is rated PG 13 for strong language, it more or less doesn’t have anything really offensive. It’s just a fun movie for anyone who loves to relive a very unique ET story.