Sundays: What a day!

Personally, I’ve got to say “I LOVE Sundays”.

My favorite day of the week.

Of course, Sunday is also my most busiest day of the week.  You see, I’m involved with church, my expertise is getting the slides down for service using a program called propresenter.  For those that are not familiar with this software, I urge you to google it.  Take it from me, it’s the best software out there for anyone who does a lot of presentations of any kind.

Propresenter is a program that allows you to easily control music, background, foregrounds as well as slide lyrics.  It is all centered around layering these elements to truly pull off an excellent program.

So anyway, back to my day, and why Sunday is my favorite because it is the most busiest day.  So after church, it is time for work, usually 1 or 2:30 and that’s when the fun begins, I jump into my car and drive out to Universal Studios, get changed into my uniform and get ready to begin my day.  If I’m a lead, it’s even more stressful and fun, I’ve got to let my other leads know I’m there and that’s when the jumping through hurdles begin.

Don’t get me wrong, I love being lead, but I definitely get my exercise with each and every new task they give me.  I’m like a trained seal, jumping for the fish which is my paycheck, while the fans which are my supervisors watch my every move.

What a DAY!

What on Earth are we doing?

Just watched on heck of a good movie.  From an outsiders view, you might think that Fern Gully is just a kids movie, but it really is something much more.  It’s the message behind the movie that we must all remember.

After all we’ve only got one forest and once it is gone, it’s gone.

I would love to  go to the rain forest at least one time, just to see it.  Just to know what is there.

People take nature for granted and that’s one thing that the movie Fern Gully tries to teach to us, children and all, that we are so powerful.  We are our own Hexus and we can destroy the most beautiful lands, but just because we can doesn’t mean we should.  We must protect and prevent this gorgeous land from falling into oblivion.

If you haven’t seen this movie, take it from me, go out and rent it or better yet buy it for just five bucks.  You won’t regret it, trust me.

Old Trends

I love knitting.  I love working with my hands, creating things, but often times I feel like I’m the only one.  I feel that I’m living in the wrong generation.  While all my friends are surfing the web, I’m sitting at home making scarves, hats or whatever else I can make.

Now don’t get me wrong, I love my computer.  As you can tell by my blog, I’m very proficient in word as well as the internet, not to mention that I can make websites for people in a matter of hours, but I like other things.  I like being outdoors, nature.  I love writing, blogging and exploring my imagination every second of every day and I love… music.  I love taking my clarinet or saxophone and closing my eyes and just playing whatever I want to play.

It’s the creativity that keeps me alive and lets me go and grow and never, never give up.

Disney Princess

I’m no princess.  That’s true, but I could not help but admire the disney princesses.  My all time favorite being Belle from Beauty and the Beast.  She is so honest and geniune.  She’s the type of princess that I would be.  She longs for true love and finds it in the most unnatural way.  She cares for all people and animals and hates the ones who are selfish, but it is the most unselfish who she challenges and changes for the good and when all seems lost and the beast is the most weakest, well it is the power of the word love that breaks the spell and transforms the entire kingdom and they live happily ever after.

Belle and the beast
The most perfect princess

It’s the best story line and the most powerful presence that melts hearts and moves people to be the person that they should be.  Beauty and the Beast is a classic that children and adults will be watching for days and weeks and months to come.

Tips to a Successful day

Work at Universal Studios can seem so bland at times.  Come to work, get dressed, clock in, but it is important that you make the most of every single day.  Remember it is the guests that you are working for and if they aren’t happy, neither will you or your employer be.

So here is a list, let’s say the top things you must do to make your day successful, vibrant and all and out good day.

1.  Remember leave you problems at Walter’s gate.  As soon as you are on property, have a smile on your face and don’t forget to say hi, how can I help you?

2.  Gratitudes the attitude and don’t forget it.  If you are having a bad day, don’t show it.  Keep it inside until you leave the property and who knows, that bad day you woke up to could completely vanish if you give it the chance.

3.  Don’t forget… Click the pic.  Guests love photos and they especially love to be in the photo.  If you see a camera, ask.  They can always say no.

4.  Remember that yellow map that so often times gets swept up or thrown away.  That’s probably because people don’t know how to use it.  Take maps as a cue to attack and point the guest in the direction that they need to go.  Show them that it is a helpful tool that should not be discarded like a sack of beans.

5.  Show your knowledge of the park.  Now for most of you, this might be a challenge.  You might not be familiar with what is in the park, but I challenge every single person to get out there and learn the park and then show the guest that you know it.

Walk them to their location.

6.  End every encounter with a “Thanks” and “Have a wonderful day at the friendliest amusement park in Southern California.”

I guarantee you, once you do these tips, it is assured you will forget all your problems and have a wonderful day.

The Other Family Members

It’s often been debated:  Should pets be considered family, dependents?  Well I think I speak for nearly all pet owners when I make the statement: Yes!

Without a  shred of doubt, they are just as dependent as children if not more so.

My cat, she tells me exactly what she needs and she doesn’t let me forget about it.  If she’s hungry, she cries and looks at her food bowl until I put some in it, not to mention when her cat pan gets dirty, she finds suttle ways of letting me know, most are not very flattering, but it has to be done.

And pets are difinitely more dependent that children.  Put a child their room with the door closed and the dog in another room and see which gets out first.  The child would learn how to turn the handle and open the door, dogs have no way of doing that and if they are in there for a long period of time, there is likely to be big trouble.

Trust me.  You know I’m right.

A Time Before The Bed

Oh me oh my!

I can’t find this.  I can’t find that.

What am I to do?  It’s insane.  I’m blind.

Can’t see my hand in front of my face.

If my head weren’t attached, I’d lose it at work.  Somebody would take it to guest relations and then sell it at the lost and found sell for ten bucks.

Ha!  That’s funny.  I crack myself up.  See now my coworkers have to come with a broom and sweep me of my feet.  I guess I’m in the wrong business.  Should be down at Jon Lovitz Comedy Club, but then again, I’d probably be booed off the stage.

Now were was I?  What was I talking about?  I don’t even remember.  Sounds like my latest play on words that I wrote almost six months ago and everyone loves.  Man, I really gotta get that play on stage.  Gotta find just the right cast and crew to run it and produce it and showcase it for the public.

But then again… I’m just one person… One person with big dreams and aspirations… and I won’t stop until I stop breathing.

So there.

The Trouble with Blogs

Here I am again… writing on yet another topic, another idea to bring to my readers and yet I am stumped.  True I love to write but I fear that what I write won’t be good enough, won’t evoke enough thought, knowledge for my readers and so I bring up a question.

What’s wrong with blogging?  You would say, nothing, but that could be debated.  How many times have you read the same story over and over because you like it.  The trouble being that if you read the same things, your mind isn’t growing.  The same holds true with blogs.  Even if a blog seems to say the same thing, look closer at it.  Every time you read it, look for something new.

I dare you to look for something new in this blog each time you read it.  I started out blogging about plays about four years ago because I basically had to.  Now I am challenging myself to branch out and blog about whatever I see, whatever I encounter and whatever I experience.

The truth is there is nothing wrong about blogging about the same topics.  As the writer it is a challenge each time we sit down in front of our computers and start pounding the keyboard with new ideas, new concepts, but for you as the reader, it is equally challenging.

You are reading blogs with new, virgin eyes.  You haven’t the slightest idea what the person will be blogging about or maybe you do, but regardless the writer surprises you each and every time and that’s good.

Really it’s all good.

Follow Your Dreams: Daydreams

Dreams… Dreams come and dreams go and like the wind they change.  But it’s good to dream and its really good to daydream, especially if you are a artist, a musician or a writer.  I spend alot of time in deep thought, thinking about where I could be and what I would be doing and then I start writing.  You’d be amazed what comes out of my fingers after I’ve had a dream session.  It’s the best cure for writers block and even better for people that sing or play and instrument.

Upon waking up, you pick up a pencil, paintbrush or your instrument and just start creating the most amazing work of art man has ever seen.

Just don’t forget to Follow Your Dreams: Daydreams and save it for later.  Trust me, you won’t regret it.

To publish or Not to publish

This is a popular argument that many writers have when deciding whether or not to make their work available for the public.  So many think, “Oh.  My work is not good enough.”  I myself found myself contemplating that.  I would even give parts of my stories to friends to have them critique, which is not all that bad.  What is bad is when writers say, I’ll perfect my work until there is absolutely no reason for the audience not to like it.  I mean, sure everyone wants people to like our work, otherwise why write.

I’ll tell you why we write Or why I write.  I write because I was born to write and we publish to share meaningful stories with the world, to evoke some type of meaningful discussion about you book and to make people think.

No to get back to the question of whether to publish something or not.  I think one should look critically at their work.  If it makes people think and keeps them on the edge of their seats from page one to page 549 or however long the book is, well that is one damn good book and it should be published.

People say that there is no truly original idea.  While that may be true, let me tell you something.  A truly exceptional writer can turn any idea into something original, just by opening their minds and using their imaginations.