“Am I Racist?” REVIEW

Political Commenter Matt Walsh brings his latest documentary to the big screen and shakes up the world with his discoveries. The film follows Walsh’s journey as a man who grew up in the 90’s with little reference to race and racism. Now he is enlightened into a journey through race and racism as he learns how to handle this in America.

Done in true documentary style, Am I Racist?” truly is a film that will open anyone’s eyes on the truth of racism and where it truly comes from. It’s done as a comedy style, however there is really nothing funny to be seen. Perhaps a few funny moments, but ultimately, it’s a tragic display of how we act today. Walsh brings up harsh topics including White supremacy, white silence and critical racism at its heart.

All in all, Walsh does a fantastic job of showing his own struggle as a white male recognizing the need for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion. He also has key players involved in this film including renowned author Robin DeAngelo, Regina Jackson, Saira Rao, and Sarra Tekola, who help aid his journey to discovery.

Ultimately the film, “Are You Racist?” is still playing in a theater near you and is one that everyone who has ever wondered the route of Race and Racism, out to see and learn how we co do better.

We won’t know if we don’t go.

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